Awards & Honours in VTR
Awards and Citation to VTR:
(a) The National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) has rated VTR as “very good” under Management Effectiveness Evaluation (MEE)-2018.
(b) As per the population estimates published by NTCA the population trend of tigers also indicated an increase in tiger population from 8 to 31 in 2018 estimation.
(C) The VTR has received the prestigious RBS Earth Hero Award -Earth Guardian category in 2017.
(d) The VTR has met the all requirements of the CA/TS standard and was recognized under CATS (Conservation Assured Tiger Standard) in 2021.
(e) The VTR has received the India – Biodiversity Award for conservation of wild species in 2021.
(F) Valmiki Tiger Reserve received the letter of appreciation from the Ministry of Forest & Soil Conservation, Nepal Government for better cooperation between VTR and Chitwan National Park and for the contribution to achieving the realm of landscape level conservation.